카테고리 없음

아베는 외할아버지 하던 짓을 반복?

모~모 2013. 12. 28. 22:53



        아베는 외할아버지 하던 짓을 반복 ?


                   일본사람의 비교 자체도 참 재미있군요!

                   독일인들을 자신의 일본인과 비교하다니!!

                   독일인들이 들으면 화 내겠네!!      



             " 만약 독일 총리가 히틀러 무덤에 성묘하러 갔다면 다른 나라

               가 어떻게 생각할까?"  ㅎㅎ


              他の国はどう思うのか?"     笑!!

             " If German chancellor goes to pay his respects at the Hitler's

               grave, how will the neighboring countries evaluate?"  lol.. 



      *  아베는 자기의 외할아버지가 했던 것과 똑같은 짓을 다시 하고 싶다는군!

          반드시 댓가를!  

      *  Abe wants to repeat the same act as his maternal grandfather had

          done!  Necessarily will be rewarded properly!

       *  安倍は自分の外祖父が行ったと同じことをもう一度したいですね!



          Risky Nationalism in Japan   

                (New York Times, December 26, 2013)

On Dec 26, 2013, Japan's PM Shinzo Abe visited the controversial Yasukuni shrine that honors Japan’s war criminals of World War II. Abe’s visit will worsen Japan’s already tense relations with China and South Korea, which see the shrine as a symbol of imperial Japan’s wars of aggression and colonialism. The United States Embassy said America was “disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors.” The question is why Mr. Abe decided to visit Yasukuni now. It had been seven years since a Japanese prime minister visited the shrine, a recognition at the highest levels that the site is symbolically repugnant to China and South Korea and that such a visit is detrimental to relations with them. Japan’s relations with those two nations are worse now than during the mid-2000s. Both Chinese and South Korean leaders have refused to meet with Mr. Abe since he became PM in 2012, in part because of issues over territory in the East China Sea and Korean comfort women, who were forced into sexual slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War II.


 (Facebook 댓글)
Sittisak Pawutiyapong  Abe is a warmonger, but it is the Japanese mentality in general that never accept the crime its government had done in WWII, which is far more different than the German who after the war they had learnt the lesson and accepted that they are seriously wrong to allow ultra nationalist and fanatic person like Hitler to lead a great nation to hell, the German had made Nazi unlawful they even condemn those war criminal and move on with new life after the war, the Japanese did the opposite and still live with the ghost of those war criminal.

Mo-Mo  Hi Sittisak! I absolutely agree to you. His maternal grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, a member of the Tojo Cabinet during WW II, was arrested after the war along with

other class-A war criminals as warmonger Hideki Tojo. Considering recent his history distorting remarks & act, I suspect he desires to repeat once again such anti humanity crimes as his grandfather.


Mo-Mo  요즘 시대가 좋다는 건, 인류보편적 가치에 반하는 반인륜적 행위를 하는 자들(김정은 & 아베 같은)에게 세계인들이 한 목소리로 성토한다는 점. 그럼에도 불구하고 일부 뻔뻔스런 조직들, 일본 유신회, 한국내 종북 빨갱이 단체는 도대체 어찌된 일일까? 인간이 아닐까? To say 'present age is good' may mean that on those who commits any anti-human acts against universal values - such as Kim Jong-un or Shinzo Abe - global citizens will condemn with one voice. Nevertheless, what's up with those some brazen organizations such as Japan Restoration Party or Korean pro-communist groups. May not they be human? lol...